NEW YORK — Today, T’ruah, a rabbinic human rights organization that represents over 2,000 rabbis and cantors and their communities, issued the following statement in support of every vote being counted.

Rabbi Jill Jacobs, executive director of T’ruah, released the following statement: 

“As we continue to await the final results of the 2020 general election, T’ruah urges officials in every state and district to ensure that every ballot cast is counted. Taking the time to count and verify every ballot is a sign that our democracy is working. 

“The Talmud teaches that we do not appoint a leader over the community without first consulting the community. (Berakhot 55a) In that instance, the text is referring to Betzalel, the artisan whom God directly imbues with divine wisdom; it applies all the more so for an American President.

“The President’s false declaration of victory last night, and his call to prematurely end the counting of votes, represent a dangerous threat to American democracy. 

“Even before Election Day, we knew that record turnout combined with record numbers of mail-in ballots would mean that counting ballots would take longer than usual. And we also know that ballot counting is never finished on Election Day, and that final results always change in the days and weeks following. Every voter’s voice deserves to be heard, which means no one in the media and no candidates should rush to declare victory before all the votes are counted, no matter how long this process takes. 

“The Talmud also counsels patience: ‘One who rushes time gets rushed by time. One who allows time to pause them, time pauses for them.’ (Eruvin 13b)

“The Jewish people wandered in the desert for forty years; we can wait a few weeks to get an accurate count of the votes.

“This election is about the future of our nation. Counting all votes ensures that all of our voices are heard as we chart a path for the future.”

“‘Wait for God, make your heart strong and courageous, and wait for God.’ (Psalm 27)

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