This campaign has ended for 2024. You can still donate in the memory or to honor a loved one here.

For every gift of $36 or more, T’ruah will send a personalized certificate to you or your favorite justice seeker. 

Your donation reflects a commitment to a vision of humanity in which all people live in peace and collaborate to use our planet’s resources wisely in order to bring about justice in our shared world.

With these trees, we are cultivating not just greenery but hope.

Over the last decade, T’ruah’s Israel Fellows — North American rabbinical and cantorial students studying in Israel for a year — have marked the holiday of Tu BiShvat by planting trees in two locations: in Israel and in a threatened Palestinian community in the West Bank (South Hebron Hills).

These visits have also been an opportunity to witness the occupation firsthand, so that our future rabbis are better equipped to use their moral voices to end the occupation.

Since October 7, 2023, T’ruah has been forced to suspend our regular programming for students. We are not sure if we will be able to plant trees with our own hands in 2024. If we can’t, we will be donating the cost of trees to two communities, one in the West Bank and one in Israel proper. The remainder of your gift will support our work promoting human rights in Israel and occupied Palestinian territories.

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